
Friday, March 7, 2014

Session I – 9:30-10:30am

  1. Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Strategies to Redefine Power and Lead with Intention
  2. Life at a Crossroads: Finding the Courage to Choose a Different Path
  3. Succeeding at Work & Life 24/7
  4. Workshop

Session II – 10:40-11:40am

  1. Lessons from the Animal Kingdom: Strategies for Managing Everyday Conflict
  2. Entrepreneurship 101
  3. The Politics of Promotion: What it Takes for Women to Get & Stay Ahead
  4. “Lean In”– Roundtable Discussion

Session III – 1:45-2:45pm

  1. Success Now: Acting Today Instead of When I…
  2. Smart Women Take Smart Risks
  3. What Women Should know about Their Health